Sunday, July 16, 2006

Katieisms and Bionicles

You know the cute things that kiddies say, well my two have said loads of things that make you want to go ' Aaaaah!'. We call these things Tommyisms and Katieisms. Please indulge me if I use my blog as a way of recording these 'isms' before I forget them.
Katie and I were watching the telly yesterday when they were showing pictures of the thousands of people running a mile for sports relief. Katie turned to me and said " Mum, is that the human race?" Aaaaaah!!!

While I'm here I'm going to post a picture that Tom drew of a Bionicle. He's really into them at the moment, he had two of them for his birthday, and Mum got him a bucket of bionicle bits so that he can make his own creations.

1 comment:

Chrissie said...


When I was a kid apparently) my dad was watching me watching The Rolling Stones on the telly. He asked me if I liked them. And I gave a considered pause and said, "Noooo...but I like the Flintstones."
