Thursday, December 07, 2006

Lovely weather

When is the worst possible week to have your roof reslated? Oh, I know, I know, is it this week with it's gale force winds, and horizontal rain? I haven't slept since last Friday night, because I'm lying awake listening for tell tale signs of leaks, holding my breath everyime there is a big gust, incase it decides to relocate the top of my house elsewhere, or worrying that burglars are shimmying up the scaffolding to steal my Christmas presents!

I must take a big breath and possibly a Nytol, anyway on a lighter note, Katie came up with a cracker this week ( no not a Christmas Cracker, a funny haha type of cracker) "Mum", she said "I know what a psychic is". "Oh yes" I replied. " It has two meanings" she said, "Number 1, it means you have dreams about what is happening in the future, and number 2, if Daddy was a SuperHero, I'd be his psychic!". This had me in tears, aah, she's only 5 and at that age it must be difficult to tell the difference between a psychic and a sidekick!


Chrissie said...

ROFL!!!!! I think she's very bright to even be discussing the word psychic with you, or knowing what a sidekick is! :D

Can't BELIEVE you're getting your roof done with these winds. What were you thinking - PMSL!

See you tonight :D

Chrissie said...

Oh. ALSO wanted to say that I LOVE the new-look blog layout. Fab!

Chrissie said...

UPDAAAAAAAATE *she screams* :-(