Monday, July 31, 2006

Jumpin Jaks

A couple of weeks ago I went on a hen night, we had to dress up like pink ladies, with pink t-shirts, black scarves, and matching pink handbags. The hen arrived in a shocking pink limo. Now I don't drink very often, and when I do I drink lager, so that I have a nice time without any after effects, now 6 of us had started the evening with a meal in ASK, and they all ordered wine, and I didn't want to be the odd one out, so I had wine too. Unfortunately there was something blue in my meal ( i think it was a bit of plaster eeugh!) so to compensate they give me a free glass of wine. We then went onto Yates where we met the Hen, now I was pretty merry by this time, and had a further glass of wine. For all of you who weren't counting that's just 3 glasses of wine, not much, but I decided it was enough, we went onto Jumpin Jaks and I went onto the water from then on. Well I thought I had done quite well, and would have classed myself as merry but capable, that was until I mistook the Fire Exit door for the door to the toilets, I was wandering through the bowels of the nightclub, and had to be escorted back to the dance floor by three very nice bouncers. hmmm. Next time I will definately have lager!!!!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Katieisms and Bionicles

You know the cute things that kiddies say, well my two have said loads of things that make you want to go ' Aaaaah!'. We call these things Tommyisms and Katieisms. Please indulge me if I use my blog as a way of recording these 'isms' before I forget them.
Katie and I were watching the telly yesterday when they were showing pictures of the thousands of people running a mile for sports relief. Katie turned to me and said " Mum, is that the human race?" Aaaaaah!!!

While I'm here I'm going to post a picture that Tom drew of a Bionicle. He's really into them at the moment, he had two of them for his birthday, and Mum got him a bucket of bionicle bits so that he can make his own creations.

Monday, July 03, 2006


Remind me never to go into my garden in the dark wearing flipflops........ I just went to my shed to lock it, and caught up a slug with the front of my flipflop, and squashed it under my toes. (it was a BIG slug). Bearing in mind it was dark, I didn't know what the hell it was until I hopped back to the kitchen door and into the light. I was very brave and didn't scream. Although I promptly threw the flipflops in the bin, and stuck my foot in the sink and run it under hot water and washing up liquid. It's making me squirm, just writing about it.