Thursday, April 27, 2006

Up in Court

Well, the children(and I) are off on our easter hols, and instead of relaxing, and taking it easy, I have been really nervous about a court case. Last year my mum, my sisters and I went for a meal, and witnessed an assault. Well it finally came to court this week. The worst part of it all was waiting in the witness room. We waited all day Tuesday, and half of Wednesday before we were called. Then it was all over in 10 mins. I was so shattered when I got home yesterday. I wanted to go to bed, but couldn't because of the children, so I lay down on the sofa and closed my eyes. Only to keep on opening them to check the children hadn't killed each other, or were playing with matches etc...

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

ROFL!! That's so funny (not about the court case, but about 'resting your eyes' and occasionally peeping to make sure they're not all garroting themselves - ha ha ha. Been there done that.

SO EXCITED you've got a blog Kim!! Keep on blogging! And post some layouts too!

Chrissie x

PS. Have you seen the challenge on my blog???